Category Archives: food

New digital camera!

Introducing my new digital camera, the Canon A460. I love it. It’s so excitin’! Of course I don’t plan to abandon my faithful Nikon N80, which will be used from now on mainly for artsy black and white film photos. This Canon will be used for day-to-day snappage.

And what better way to demonstrate its capabilities than through FOOD? Here’s the tomato-egg soup I whipped up today.

tomato soup

What I love most about it is its super macro function, which lets me get absolutely gorgeous closeups:
tomato closeup!

More to come for SURE.

Total Recipe Success: Garlic-Parsley Fries with Aioli


It’s not often that I turn out a perfect product, but..these garlic fries were amazing. The side of garlic aioli just added to the odiferous goodness. Not only were they yummy, but they’re actually pretty healthy–3 tbsp of oil, and then baked in the oven for 20 minutes. Tastes exactly like the real thing. The aioli’s pretty unhealthy (egg and a bucket of olive oil), though, so it doesn’t get to go in the picture.

Christine, I miss WRWF! Hope you and Thor are cooking up a storm.