Monthly Archives: August 2011

Where do you take class?

I am composing a list of places where adults can take ballet class.

Where do you take class? Who’s your favorite teacher? Any other notes or thoughts about this studio? Leave me a note in the comments and I will add it to the list. Anywhere in the world is welcome–please give state or country, and website if possible (a phone number would be great if the studio has no website). So far, all I have are places where I’ve taken class. So I’d welcome other contributions.

Share your joy. 🙂

All is not lost

All is not lost.

I’m moving into a new house in San Francisco. My boyfriend–to be referred to now as Mr. Apricot–is busily overseeing inspections, mortgage applications, etc. etc.–while I plot decor and the like. I am not finding too much time to dance these days (down to one class a week–egads!), but will make a better effort come close of escrow, post unpacking! There’s a small chance the purchase won’t go through, but it’s looking like we’ll actually be seeing the close of escrow on the earlier side, which will be mid to late September. So, my dear friends, I will see you in October!